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Data Implementation

SES has invested large amounts of time and resources in setting up a system of Data Implementation for its Clients: The Data Implementation service equals the quality of its software and involves the entry and codification of a fleet's data in such a way that it can be immediately used within the SES-Office or SES-Vessel applications. By combining each company's distinct policies with its software know-how, SES provides a cost-effective way to make an otherwise complex task manageable and predictable.

The Implementation includes the following groups of data, with varying degrees of detail: for the Preventive Planned Maintenance system: components, counters, periodicities, job entries, survey-related data, fleet spare parts, and also coding and entry of data for: main engines, auxiliary engines, purifiers, compressors, pumps, as well as deck and other equipment at the client's request.

Providing such turnkey solutions, allows our customers to have their data entered by the software creators in an optimum manner. Thus, the company is able to immediately use the software with operational data (therefore with immediate value for their investment) and have an ideal basis for personnel training in the office and on board, using real data. In addition to data entry and codification, SES Data Implementation Department can provide data conversion, planning, consulting and training services.