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Ses-Logo SHIPMANAGEMENT EXPERT SYSTEMS S.A. - ΒΑΡΔΑΚΗΣ Α.Ε. is a software house specializing in the development and worldwide distribution of Shipping and Logistics software applications globally acknowledged as the standard of reference in their field. SES was established in 1987 by Mr. Achilles N. Vardakis and this year celebrates its 20th anniversary.

SES draws upon almost 37 years of combined maritime experience and computer expertise of its founder and associates, in order to provide state-of-the-art applications and specialized services exclusively designed to address the needs of the International Maritime Community in the Commercial and Defence sectors.

SES applications like SES ERP, The ShipManager, SES ILS, Smart™ RADICAL INNOVATION line of products and others combined with the professional attitude and consistently high quality of service have established SES as the premier shipping software house in the global market, acknowledged by hundreds of Clients in 43 countries worldwide.

The receipt of the Seatrade Awards 1996 for Innovations and Lloyd's List SMM Award 2002, the fact that the UK Ministry of Defence (UK Royal Navy) is one of SES Clients, together with a number of National Fleets and many other well reputed ship management companies worldwide, in addition to the collaboration with key organizations (Intertanko, Inmarsat, etc.), are examples of the continuing international recognition of SES.

SES systems are fully interlinked and integrated with each other, thus ensuring the integrity and uniformity of corporate data and at the same time facilitating the synchronized exchange of information without the need to duplicate data. SES specialized applications cover the whole spectrum of financial, technical, crewing, operational and commercial activities of a maritime company and its fleet, also supporting the communication and time alignment of information between office and vessels. By providing an organic structure to integrate and coordinate all processes and functions the system evolves to a solid management information basis to support the decision making process. 

It is the philosophy of SES to continuously update and upgrade the systems by employing the latest technology and by introducing new concepts based on the feedback SES gets from its international clientele. SES systems are constantly evolving and every system design is tweaked and improved in order to keep its value and safeguard the investment of our clients. 

The high quality services provided by SES are translated into training, customizations, data transfer and consultancy along with new added services which are going to be offered to the shipping community thus enhancing computer and software familiarization of seafarers, students and other shipping-involved parties.